Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Overcome Networking Obstacles

Executives in search of employment understand the importance of Networking. They know the statistics support networking as the main method for landing a new job and yet it is very difficult for most people. As a Job Search Coach for Executives and Technology Professionals I have heard myriad complaints and seen the devastation to careers when executives, especially "C" level executives don't network successfully.

• I just can't ask people for favors.
• I am the one who helps; I don't want to be seen as needy.
• I find it hard to start the conversation when it is about me.
• I hate cold calling.

Reluctance to network is the single largest barrier to landing new employment. The more senior the position, it seems, the more difficult it is for the candidate to ask for assistance to discover where the jobs are. Here are a few suggestions to overcome that hurdle. It is important to know your message and deliver it with confidence, but that is a topic for another article. Let's assume you have the patter down but find it hard to pick up the phone or send out that email.

Use the phone. If you craft an enticing phone message and deliver it with energy and conviction, you will probably receive an encouraging response. By contrast, if you send email, nuance is impossible to detect and in fact, you are more likely to misinterpret busy or style for rejection. A telephone call gives you opportunity to detect the positive response and create a bond.

Contact in Threes: You have culled names from your contact lists of people who have worked for you and also have a list of people to whom you have been referred. Contact two people you know first. Leverage that success and confidence and call the third less known individual. Be sure to have a compelling message written down before you call.

Call at Odd Times: You are more likely to find someone at their phone at eight in the morning than ten. Executives are more likely to answer their own phones after six.

Get Introductions, Not Referrals: When you do connect with someone willing to open doors, as for introductions that mention you will be contacting the individual. Anyone can say, "Use my name," but an introduction insures you will get a response.