Saturday, February 02, 2008

How To Dynamically Strengthen Your Networking Skills To Make Each Connection More Profitable

One morning we had a terrible thunderstorm and the power went out all over the city. It wasn't long before I got really stir crazy with no computer and no outside contact. Since my garage door wouldn't open because of the lack of electricity, I called a cab and went to my nearby Barnes and Noble with my laptop carefully in tow.

My seven-hour visit turned out to be an amazing and organic networking experience. The store's generators provided electricity, so it was light, warm, and cozy. But I found myself surrounded by like-minded people - entrepreneurs and others who dislike being in the dark. Some of us got on line, others read their books and newspapers, and conversations began to range across tables as we gradually started to feel our sense of community. When the chairs and benches filled up, people began sitting on the floor. We found ourselves talking, laughing, sharing experiences, trying to solve political and business problems and getting to know each other. And those of us who realized it was an unusual but fantastic networking opportunity also exchanged business cards and ideas with our new friends.

See every contact as a networking opportunity

There is never a time when you are not networking. And if you look at it as making or deepening a connection with others, those moments will take on new meaning. If you are at a meeting, make notes on the back of their business card and ask for their permission to call them the next day. (And then of course, be certain to call them!) If it is a casual and unexpected conversation, you might choose to make notes for yourself at the end of the day regarding what was said, what potential you discovered and what action you plan to take.

If networking is on your mind you'll find opportunities everywhere. There is no question that networking is a very valuable marketing strategy, however, it's also one that we need to personalize to fit our personalities. Whether you are shy, or whether you are "out-there" here's one secret that works for everyone: people like to talk about themselves so all you have to do is ask a compelling question and then listen.

Make a deeper connection through active listening

This is not about listening until you can get a word in and talk about yourself. It is about hearing what not only is being said, but what is not being said, noting the body language and facial expressions to interpret the words you are hearing. You see, marketing is about finding the perfect fit and since you know what you are looking for, active listening will help you decide if what you have to offer is what the other person needs.

Ease into the conversation

As a naturally enthusiastic person, I have to constantly be on the lookout to be certain I blend my energy with the person I am speaking with. And when I am ready to share I also have to determine how much information I can give the person so they can still hear me. So I ease into a conversation with a few short questions that help determine what needs to be said and what can easily be left out. Leave your selling hat at home when you are networking and just be who you are.