Friday, February 08, 2008

Benefits of Joining a Forum

One of the worst places to be in your business or profession is becoming stuck. For writers, it may be writer's block. For speakers, it could be lack of engagements. And for entrepreneurs and small business owners, it's likely that next brilliant idea that could bring in more sales or attract more leads.

So how do you get unstuck without contracting a consultant on retainer?

You can attend a workshop, eavesdrop on a teleconference call or register online for an e-course. But a one-time event most likely will not be enough to get you over your hump. You'll get better traction if somebody, or a group of your peers guides you through a step-by-step process.

Someone (who may already have been where you are now) to show you an alternative direction. Someone with your best interest in mind. And someone you can trust.

In short: A forum or some other type of think tank...

You can join and participate with a group of forward thinking individuals with a single purpose. You can meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. And you can build lasting relationships.

You'll likely gain an advantage by receiving a continual stream of professional input. You'll also get to bounce ideas around for feedback from a trusted group of like-minded experts. They could see something from an experience angle that you may have overlooked. That alone could save you a ton of money, customer service headaches and a lot of grief.

Five reasons to get started now:

1) Sharing common interests. If you joined a group of weekend bikers, you already know what the central topic and subtopics are. You'll probably talk about motorcycle magazines, accessories, maintenance, detailing and tuned exhaust pipes. And then share a bunch of biking stories, run-ins with the law, and near misses that could make the hairs on the back of everyone's necks stand at attention.

2) Flow of new ideas. Imagine giving, receiving and recommending tips, tools and pointers that foster your group's growth. You get to pool together the resources of your entire group to solve problems, share tactics and testify to success stories.

3) Minimal investment. Most special interest groups, clubs or organizations do not charge high dues for membership. Their goal is to build a steady, growing membership. It's when you get involved with business groups, investment clubs and marketing mentorship-you can expect to pay anywhere from two- to four-figures a month.

4) Networking opportunities. You can expand your business network and exposure through word-of-mouth marketing, referrals and sponsored events. The more people know and like you-the more business will come your way. It's easier to land the big account if someone in your sphere of influence puts in a good word for you. Really.

5) Forming new friendships and alliances. This is the icing on the cake. Not only do you share common interests already, but also you get to share it with people you like. And you get to look forward to deeper and more meaningful experiences the more time you spend together.