Monday, February 18, 2008

How To Get Consistent Referrals

How many times have we heard the saying "Hope is not a plan," and thought "Yikes! I should probably take a look at my marketing calendar." Many of us get caught up in day to day operations and completely forget to plan. It's only when referrals are low or non-existent that we begin to think about marketing.

When was the last time you communicated with your referring clients? Generally you should be in touch with your clients monthly to bi-monthly, minimally-- depending on your field. If you can't remember the last time you contacted your clients, you may benefit from using a referral marketing calendar. Depending on your preferences, your marketing calendar could be electronic or a hard copy paper calendar.

It can be difficult, stressful, and sometimes completely ineffective to plan and execute marketing activities on a whim. Schedule time each week to review, update, and develop your referral marketing calendar. After you've entered activities on your calendar, print out the current month and hang it near your desk. It is helpful to have something tangible to remind you and help keep you on track. Be sure to also document the following:

1. Money invested.

2. Time invested.

3. Results derived.

4. Repeat activity or reject activity (based on results/return on investment).

Keep special occasions in mind when planning your activities, such as holidays, special client anniversaries, and events related to your particular business.

When was the last time you planned out your referral marketing activities for the year? If you are waiting until your business slows down you are waiting too long. Referrals are a great way to sustain a business, however they take time to nurture and flourish. Plan today for referral success tomorrow and produce a steady, consistent stream of referrals for yourself.