Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Brief Look At Merchant Accounts

A bank allows businesses to accept credit cards, gift cards and debit cards by having a merchant account. A merchant account is a specialized bank processing account that uses a credit card terminal.

A credit card terminal is an electronic piece of equipment that allows the merchant to swipe or key in a credit card's information. This type of terminal allows merchant's to also be able to accept gift cards and debit cards and it check verification while processing. Merchants can use these terminals need to be connected to phone line, internet, or cellular service. There are many ways to obtain a merchant account.

Merchants can lease a terminal if they do not want to buy one or some banks will give the merchant a terminal for free in exchange for a long term contract. AS we all know though nothing in life is free, there are fees involved every time the terminal is used. Actually there are a variety of fees that are involved with merchant accounts. There are even different fees depending on if you swipe the card or punch it in manually.

There is an authorization fee that is charged each time a card is sent to the bank to be authorized. This is usually between 10 and 45 cents. This fee is charged even if the transaction is declined. A statement fee is a monthly fee that is charged to the merchant at the end of every month. This charge is usually a flat fee of $5-$10 dollar.

There is a monthly minimum fee to ensure that merchants pay a minimum fee each month to cover maintenance and minimal profits to the provider. If the merchants account does not meet the monthly minimum then the merchants will be charged a minimum fee usually around $25.

A batch fee or a header fee is charged to the merchant at the end of every day when the terminal is settled for the day. This is when a merchant is balancing their drawer at the end of the day and closes out the terminal to get a total amount of credit cards that were used for the day. If this is not done every 24 hours a higher rate will be assessed.

There can also be customer service fees, annual fees and numerous other fees. Before you get a merchant account set up you need to get a look at all these fees from your bank and see if you are going to have enough activity to make it worth your while to have a merchant account.

I Want To Sell Online, But How Should I?

I want to sell online, but how should I?

With all the different opportunities on the internet, it's easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated. Maybe it's time to take a step back, rethink your plan, and just be honest about your abilities and what you want out of the business.

First consider your personality type...

Are you a highly educated, informed expert in your field? Consider writing an educational blog and articles of and about your profession and expertise.

Are you a highly motivated business person with a background in sales or communications? Consider affiliate or pay-per-click ad campaigns.

Are you a stay at home mom or dad just looking for extra income? Thought about writing about your hobbies interests?

Are you a power negotiator and always looking to strike the best deal? Maybe online auction is the way to go.

The great thing about writing in general, weather a blog or just a simple diary or journal, is the ability to bring another dimension of critical thinking into your work. Being able to look back and see early mistakes and subsequent improvement can bring a fantastic motivational boost.

Expression through writing can release pent-up energy, calm the mind, and engage imaginative and inspirational energy you never thought you had. Generating enthusiasm and much needed motivation.

Writing allows you to express your own unique knowledge and wisdom to the world in a way which was impossible twenty years ago. Allowing you to connect with people of similar interests all over the world.

No matter your level of education, or competence at writing. As you continue to write, your skills will grow. Just write from the heart, and the rest will fall into place!

Ultimately, your intentions become key to your ability to succeed. What are those intentions? Is your primary focus to enhance others lives in some way, Or just quick easy money? Your intentions will determine your success, and ability to persuade people to buy products from you.

Like any other business, there is no easy way to earn a fortune on the internet. Like many others, you too can earn a decent living here. Take the time to contribute something meaningful, then the money will follow.

I Want You to Read This Before You Attend Your Next Client Meeting

American entreprenuers who live under time pressures tend to want to jump right into closing the sale before it's too late (whatever "too late" means -- with an infinite future in front of you, how can anything be too late?)

We spend almost every moment thinking about what we're going to do in the next moment. When we're with our children, our mind is on our business. When we're in the office with a client, our mind is daydreaming about our vacation. When we're supposedly listening to our spouse during a romantic dinner, we're thinking about what witty thing we are going to say next. We're always thinking about the next thing, the next event, the next task, or the next person we have to talk to at a networking event.

Our American business culture is so obsessed with managing time that we've forgotten what's important about time. When we are constantly multi-tasking, we think we're becoming more effective, but in reality we are making things far worse. That's because the person we're with immediately SENSES that our attention is on something other than them. When we don't focus our attention on hearing about a prospect's struggles, or successes, why should they focus on anything we say? When we don't value them, why should they value us?

Only you can stop yourself from obsessing about how little time you have. It is just part of our human nature to ALWAYS have far more to do than we have time available. Focus instead on making every prospect and client moment count. When you are in a room full of over a hundred small business owners, treat every moment together as though no one else in the room is more important - even if that moment is for just the blink of an eye. You may not even need to say many words, and yet you'll communicate to clients how special they are. In many Asian cultures, for example, people recognize and practice the concepts of "face" and harmony in ways Westerners do not. Beign direct and "getting all the issues out on the table" can be a good thing (according to the Western view), but the Asian approach of setting some conflicts and business agendas aside for the sake of maintaining a harmonious client meeting or respectful communication is equally legitimate. With everything you do in your business, you will become far more effective.

Now, here is one simple tip that is so profound, that it will immediately connect you at a DEEPER level with your clients. Whenever you are with another person, whether for a second or for several minutes, look into their eyes and focus on remembering everything about their eyes - the color, the shape, the length of their eyelashes. Look at every little red line in the whites of their eyes, see their shape and size. Stay focused on their eyes until you're sure you can recount every detail.

What will happen when you do this? Individuals will sense that your attention is nowhere else but on them. This will make them feel special. They will feel drawn to you, and soak up the undivided attention. You will see that the other person is actually listening to everything you're saying. Eliciting a desired win-win response will become easier and easier. And, once you experience that, you won't want to go back to looking at another person in the old way again. Each time you encounter another person, you will see their WORTH, and they will see yours. I guarantee that this will attract more paying clients, just the same way it has attracted all the local and global clients I need, so that I work less and make more money.

Overcome Networking Obstacles

Executives in search of employment understand the importance of Networking. They know the statistics support networking as the main method for landing a new job and yet it is very difficult for most people. As a Job Search Coach for Executives and Technology Professionals I have heard myriad complaints and seen the devastation to careers when executives, especially "C" level executives don't network successfully.

• I just can't ask people for favors.
• I am the one who helps; I don't want to be seen as needy.
• I find it hard to start the conversation when it is about me.
• I hate cold calling.

Reluctance to network is the single largest barrier to landing new employment. The more senior the position, it seems, the more difficult it is for the candidate to ask for assistance to discover where the jobs are. Here are a few suggestions to overcome that hurdle. It is important to know your message and deliver it with confidence, but that is a topic for another article. Let's assume you have the patter down but find it hard to pick up the phone or send out that email.

Use the phone. If you craft an enticing phone message and deliver it with energy and conviction, you will probably receive an encouraging response. By contrast, if you send email, nuance is impossible to detect and in fact, you are more likely to misinterpret busy or style for rejection. A telephone call gives you opportunity to detect the positive response and create a bond.

Contact in Threes: You have culled names from your contact lists of people who have worked for you and also have a list of people to whom you have been referred. Contact two people you know first. Leverage that success and confidence and call the third less known individual. Be sure to have a compelling message written down before you call.

Call at Odd Times: You are more likely to find someone at their phone at eight in the morning than ten. Executives are more likely to answer their own phones after six.

Get Introductions, Not Referrals: When you do connect with someone willing to open doors, as for introductions that mention you will be contacting the individual. Anyone can say, "Use my name," but an introduction insures you will get a response.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Five Key Networking Tips for Inventors

While the swift cut-and-parry of creation is the heart of an inventor's life, there is another important component - networking. Let's face it; no matter how great your invention may be, you can always benefit from talented professionals in your field that might be willing to lend a hand.

Maybe it's that database programmer you've been scouring the earth for, or that distributor you need to get your product on store shelves, or a patent attorney to make sure your intellectual property is protected. Whatever the case may be, there are steps you can take to put yourself in the path of networking success.

In this article, we will examine five of the most helpful. By applying these tips to your day-to-day efforts, you will increase your odds of meeting the people you need to move your invention forward.

1) Have a clean, approachable website.

The benefit of having a simple website to send people to cannot be stressed enough. Let's say you are at a party or industry conference. Suddenly, you meet a new colleague and the two of you get to talking about your respective projects and goals.

As the conversation comes to a close, the colleague asks you, "So, how can I stay abreast of what you're up to, how can we keep in touch?" If you are networking-savvy inventor, you will reply, "Oh, no problem! My website is www.JohnDokes.com, it has all my contact information and what I'm working on. Check up on me there from time to time!"

This is extremely simple to do. Your website does not have to be flashy or fancy; a clean, black text on white background HTML layout will do just fine. As mentioned, your website should include your name, profession, hobbies, and areas of expertise, achievements, and maybe a periodical blurb about what things of importance you are working on at the time.

2) Print business cards and carry them at all times.

But what happens when you meet someone on the fly? There isn't always time to scribble down web URLs or phone numbers, and lack of preparedness could kill an otherwise great networking contact. Fortunately, this does not have to befall you. The solution is a timeless standby of professionals everywhere: business cards! Simply visit your local Kinkos and print up 200 standard business cards with your name, e-mail address, mobile phone, and anything else you deem relevant. Then, make a point of carrying 5-10 of them in your wallet with you at all times. With business cards in tow, you will be able to capitalize on networking opportunities wherever you happen to be - on vacation, at restaurants or coffee shops, even in the grocery store. You truly never know when you will meet someone important.

3) Consider a separate phone line or wireless phone for professional purposes.

While not an absolute necessity, you need to consider how a potential contact or partner might perceive you. If they call your house line and hear lots of family commotion in the background, it might send the message that you are ill-prepared to take on a serious venture of any kind. Whether this is reasonable to infer or not, perception is reality for many people. Therefore, it might make sense to get a separate landline or wireless phone for your professional needs. You would then print this number on your website and business cards instead of your house phone. A wireless phone is best because you can carry it with you and never miss an important call. In addition to upholding your professionalism, doing this also helps you delineate between different areas of your life.

4) Follow leads wherever they may appear.

Anyone who has been in business for long knows that leads and opportunities can crop up almost anywhere, at any time. It is not uncommon for new business partners to meet on vacation, over dinner and drinks, or while playing golf at a country club. Therefore, you should keep this in the back of your mind and be ready to pounce on new opportunities as they arise. If you are out on the green with someone and you get to talking about your professions, there is no shame in "testing the waters" and seeing if he is interested in new projects. Do not assume that just because you aren't in a business setting, you cannot pursue business leads. Truly successful inventors are creative and resourceful.

5) Use the direct approach whenever possible and appropriate.

Many people take a passive approach to life. Instead of acting to bring about some outcome, they simply hope it comes to be through osmosis. When it comes to networking, this attitude is a death sentence. If you want to meet the best people and bring them into the fold, you need to proactively seek them out. Let's say you are in desperate need of a graphic designer, for instance. Throw up an ad on Rent-A-Coder that says you're looking for one! Better yet, ask around your circle of friends and contacts to see if they know anyone with the skills you need. This is how networking happens. Of course, you should seek to establish some kind of relationship with a person before you just mine them for contacts. You wouldn't want to bombard someone you just met. But by all means: once you are on good terms with someone, feel free to ask them who they know.

Soft Goods Networking

Soft goods are those items that help with the convenience of everyday life. There are different categories of soft goods out of which some are medical soft goods including lab coats, braces etc. Soft goods networking is amongst the very difficult tasks to carry out.

One mandatory thing is for the sender and the receiver to both have a friendly environment to accommodate the transactions without causing trouble. For stable soft goods networking, the computer on which the environment is saved needs to be reliable. For the networking to be fast and efficient, the Internet should be the mode of soft goods networking.

There are certain systems in which the purchase may be made after a trial use, limited to a certain period. This is more reliable, as it lets the buyer feel safer and less at risk of being duped. The goods may be replaced or returned if defective or unusable. There is a long list of things that are available and online sites carry different images and product details to help you make an informed decision.

At walk in shops, there are usually products that are out of stock or not available due to various reasons. In case you like something and it is out of stock you may be able to look it up on the Internet, access its different versions online, and buy the option you like. The network gives a vast choice of soft goods to choose from and reasonable prices to go with it. Soft goods networking also provides its customers with a door delivery service.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Expand Your Network by Reaching Out to the "Power Connectors"

In every industry or profession, people of big influence exist. These are the people who have large networks and can make things happen. You can call them the "power connectors". Because of their network, they can virtually reach out to anyone they need to, which is a big component of their success. Having one of these people in your network is a huge asset that can quickly expand your reach. So, how do you identify one of these individuals?

First, if you attend a variety of industry events, then you will eventually meet some of these people or hear about them from others. These are the people who everyone in the room knows. Second, the speakers at industry events can be well connected. How else do you think that they were chosen as a speaker?

Third, executives in your industry from leading firms are fairly connected. By having a top position, these people will naturally have a large network.

So, how do you get to know these "power connectors?" You need to be proactive and reach out to them by 1) leveraging your network to get an introduction, 2) attending an event to listen to the person speak and then introducing yourself to this individual, or 3) finding a valuable reason to contact this person such as sharing industry news or sending a book of interest. How ever you decide to contact this person, make sure that it is tactful and you are putting the other person first.

When building relationships with "power connectors", find out how you can help them before you ask them to open up their networks. Take time to nurture these relationships and do whatever you can to gain credibility and trust. Make sure that you top of mind so invite them to events and keep them in the loop on your successes. When the time is right, these people will help you. These are some of the most important relationships you can have in your network so only leverage them when absolutely necessary. "Power connectors" are asked for favors all of the time so don't take advantage of your relationship with them.

Over time, you can too become a "power connector" by branding yourself as an authority in your industry. By having this image, you will have the opportunity to connect with many individuals. As you start to build new relationships, make sure that you focus on integrating a variety of people into your network with various backgrounds, titles, and industry knowledge. It is good to have a diverse network to draw upon, which will be helpful when assisting others.

The Three Most Important People in Any Business

Whenever I do business with any company, I make it a point to meet the three most important people. These are the people the really know what is going on within the company every day. They have the most direct knowledge of daily activities and long term corporate strategy. When you go into any business, as a consultant or employee, make sure you meet all three.

The first is the most obvious. This is the person that signs the checks. Make sure you meet whomever it is that signs your pay check. Get to know him or her and establish a rapport. Chances are in a SMB environment this is also the business owner. From this person you will learn long term business strategy and the overall direction of the organization. By getting to know the owner of the business you will also get a good picture of the future of the company. If the owner is smart, dynamic, organized and passionate then chances are the company will go far. If the owner is lazy, arrogant and any other combination of negatives then you know what's coming.

The second person to meet is the individual responsible for cutting checks. I think you recognize the pattern so far. Basically, it is important to be friendly with the people that make sure you get paid. Before I became a consultant I always made it a point to be very friendly with the folks in the HR department. By getting to know the person that actually creates your checks you will get an idea for company finances. Is the company playing smart and safe with their money? Are they spending wisely or are they throwing money away on expensive office furniture? By becoming friendly with the person that writes the checks you will be able to learn the financial status of the business.

The third, and in many ways, most important person to get to know is the janitor. By this I mean whoever's job it is to clean up at night. This is the person that will tell you everything about the people in the office. For some reason, most people never speak to janitors, but they are an amazing resource for information about the people in a company. They know everything about everyone and are usually the best source for office gossip. They can tell you what coffee brand the director of marketing prefers, or they can tell you the gatekeeper's favorite flowers. They are knowledgeable about all the personality quirks of everyone in the office. By forging a good relationship with the janitor you will learn about potential allies and troublemakers.

By knowing these three primary players in any business you are in a position to have an inside track. The Check Signer will know about company strategy, long term plans and current goals. The Check Writer can talk about finances, spending, investments and cash flow. The Janitor knows the personalities of everyone at work and he will also know their secrets. By forging alliances with all three of these people you will gain a sizable advantage in any business environment.

Monday, February 18, 2008

How To Get Consistent Referrals

How many times have we heard the saying "Hope is not a plan," and thought "Yikes! I should probably take a look at my marketing calendar." Many of us get caught up in day to day operations and completely forget to plan. It's only when referrals are low or non-existent that we begin to think about marketing.

When was the last time you communicated with your referring clients? Generally you should be in touch with your clients monthly to bi-monthly, minimally-- depending on your field. If you can't remember the last time you contacted your clients, you may benefit from using a referral marketing calendar. Depending on your preferences, your marketing calendar could be electronic or a hard copy paper calendar.

It can be difficult, stressful, and sometimes completely ineffective to plan and execute marketing activities on a whim. Schedule time each week to review, update, and develop your referral marketing calendar. After you've entered activities on your calendar, print out the current month and hang it near your desk. It is helpful to have something tangible to remind you and help keep you on track. Be sure to also document the following:

1. Money invested.

2. Time invested.

3. Results derived.

4. Repeat activity or reject activity (based on results/return on investment).

Keep special occasions in mind when planning your activities, such as holidays, special client anniversaries, and events related to your particular business.

When was the last time you planned out your referral marketing activities for the year? If you are waiting until your business slows down you are waiting too long. Referrals are a great way to sustain a business, however they take time to nurture and flourish. Plan today for referral success tomorrow and produce a steady, consistent stream of referrals for yourself.

Networking - 10 Ways to Survive and Thrive at Networking Events

Are you attending a networking event? It can be intimidating if you don't know what to say and do.

Here are 10 tips to help you survive and thrive at networking events:

1. Arrive as early as you can. You'll avoid the angst of walking into a room full of strangers. Even better, you'll avoid having to look for a seat while everyone stares at you, or has to move over to make room for you at the table.

2. When you meet someone new, stand up and shake their hand. Maintain good eye contact.

3. Prepare a few questions to get the conversation started. It might be about the event or venue, or how often they have attended in the past.

4. Bring lots of business cards, and have them available. You'll avoid having to rummage through your bag or pockets trying to locate them.

5. Exchange business cards at the start of the meeting. You can place the cards you receive in front of you, in the order that people are sitting around the table.

6. Be prepared to introduce yourself and your services. Plan your introduction so you aren't caught like a deer in the headlights.

7. Prepare any materials you will present, including notes from the last meeting.

8. Be curious about the other people at the meeting, and be a good listener. You'll pick up interesting ways to connect afterwards.

9. Look for ways to help others. You may not need the product or service of someone in the group, but you may know someone who does. Go out of your way to help them. You never know when they will do the same for you.

10. Follow up afterwards. Nothing happens without follow up. Arrange to meet for lunch or coffee, or at one of your offices.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Whine Tasting - Top 5 Excuses for Networking

Networking is such an incredible tool for everyone, regardless of your profession, industry or trade. When used properly and effectively, networking can yield incredible results that can last a lifetime. So why are we not networking more and developing our communication skills, creativity, resources etc.? Listed below are the main excuses for why most people choose not to network. This article is designed to encourage the reader to dispel common myths associated with networking and become an Elite Networking Champion!

Excuse #1: I do not need to Network.

This is the most common excuse that could be far from the truth. There is no one definition of networking. Many people view networking as getting a job, internship or maneuvering through a career transition. On the contrary, networking can be whatever you need for it to be according to your professional or social endeavors. It should be viewed as a lifestyle and not a moment event. Networking should be a continuous part of your social and professional development. Also, networking should not be restricted to simply business functions, events, meetings, interviews, etc. Networking can occur anywhere, anytime and with anyone.

Excuse #2: I do not like to Network.

Once again, you must define what is considered networking and outline the benefits of networking. Networking offers you a chance to develop connections with people and build relationships for success. You can gain resources, knowledge, services, products, etc. that can help you advance in your career or academics. Networking allows you to make strategic partnerships that can save you precious time and money. It is also a skill that can improve your communication with others and enhance your professional approach in business matters.

Excuse #3: I am not good at Networking.

The more times you practice and utilize networking, the better you become. In order to become good at networking, you must be consistent. One of the best ways to achieve that goal is to join a chamber of commerce or professional organization. There will already be a structure or model in place to facilitate effective networking activities. Prepare for each networking event and create a list of goals that you would like to achieve from networking. At networking events, make it a point to build pre-mature relationships with your business counterparts and follow up in a timely manner.

Excuse #4: Networking does not work for me.

Many people try networking a few times, are not satisfied with the results and ultimately quit. We believe that networking is for everybody. If you tried networking and did not achieve much success, change your approach towards networking. Find a different organization to attend events. Ask friends and colleagues about various networking opportunities. Join associations or clubs that you are passionate about because networking does not have to be strictly business.

Excuse #5: I do not like Networking/attending events alone.

When you are starting out, you might have to attend events alone and network by yourself. But eventually, you will meet new people, join groups and have a network of your own. Do not be discouraged or become an introvert when attending functions. Do your best to actively meet and connect with people.

Nine Networking Tips for Success

When you enter the networking mixer do you feel like you have a two-foot perimeter of open space surrounding you? Everyone seems to be comfortably settled into clusters as they socialize unaware of your presence. You try to make eye contact but you don't recognize anyone. You search for the bar. Even though you're not thirsty, having something in your hand might make you appear to be festive and casual.

Walking determinedly across the room makes you look powerful, you hope. Time stands still. You make idle chat with the bar tender, waiting to be rescued from this miserable time warp. Even though you were hoping to make business contacts, you're not sure about the approach. Let's face it, you can't just walk up to a stranger and say, "Hey by the way I'm with A-1 Plumbing, do you have any clogged drains?" You decide to leave after 30 minute networking is too uncomfortable. Oh well, at least you showed up. Maybe it'll be better next time.

Whether you are just out of college, in career transition or building a successful business, networking is a necessity to form lasting business relationships that lead to referrals. Here are some tips to make your networking pay off.

Do your research
Before you go to a networking function, decide whom you want to meet in advance and why you want to meet them. Go to your Business Journal's Book of Lists or the membership roster to learn more about the attendees and members. If the people you want to meet have a website, visit it and when you meet them, you now have something to comment on. People are flattered when you are interested enough to find out about them before actually meeting them.

Act like a host
By calling new members of your organization before the mixer and inviting them to meet you there, you accomplish several things: You help them become acclimated into the club, you have someone to introduce around and you make a new business acquaintance that will be grateful for your leadership.

Play matchmaker
Become a resource person by thinking ahead of how you can help others get leads and referrals. Make a mental note of how to get these contacts together. Go one step further by making a few phone calls before the meeting so you can facilitate the introductions.

Take your business cards
I have been to so many functions where someone could have had my business or a good lead, but they didn't have a card. The excuses range from running out to being in a career transition-all the more reason to have at least a generic model. If you are in transition or a graduating college student, chances are you are looking for a position. Have a plain card with your name, phone number and e-mail. If you want to be creative you might also include a favorite quote. It will serve as a conversation piece or an icebreaker.

Get their card
Novices at networking regularly fail to ask others for their card. A rule of thumb: if they ask for your card it means they are interested. Return the request immediately by asking for theirs and jot down any information on the back of the card that might jog your memory later. It's actually more important to get their card because that puts you in a position of control if you decide you need to contact them in the future.

Focus on the relationship
Even though it's important to exchange business cards, the purpose of networking isn't a competition to collect business cards, nor is it to conduct business. The focus should be on meeting new people and establishing new business and professional relationships.

Polish your communication skills
Be in the present moment by using good eye contact and smiling. It's rude to stare, but it's also impolite to have darting eyes suggesting that there is someone more interesting across the room. Listen and ask questions more than you speak. No one wants to be around a know-it-all or a bore. Read body language. Recognize that if someone is rubbing their neck, yawning or has darting eyes, they are probably bored or simply lack good communication skills. Make a gracious exit.

Let others join in
There is nothing more miserable than to be standing outside a circle of people who are so engrossed in conversation that you feel ignored. Become observant to those who seem lost and invite them into the conversation by saying, "join us...we were just talking about..." Then at an appropriate time introduce yourself to them and introduce them to the group.

Get out of your comfort zone
Visit briefly with old friends but don't cling to them. Instead look for ways to introduce each other to new acquaintances. Recognize that the more people you meet the more comfortable and fun it will be in the future and the more people you know, the more business opportunities you create.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Whine Tasting - Top 5 Excuses for Networking

Networking is such an incredible tool for everyone, regardless of your profession, industry or trade. When used properly and effectively, networking can yield incredible results that can last a lifetime. So why are we not networking more and developing our communication skills, creativity, resources etc.? Listed below are the main excuses for why most people choose not to network. This article is designed to encourage the reader to dispel common myths associated with networking and become an Elite Networking Champion!

Excuse #1: I do not need to Network.

This is the most common excuse that could be far from the truth. There is no one definition of networking. Many people view networking as getting a job, internship or maneuvering through a career transition. On the contrary, networking can be whatever you need for it to be according to your professional or social endeavors. It should be viewed as a lifestyle and not a moment event. Networking should be a continuous part of your social and professional development. Also, networking should not be restricted to simply business functions, events, meetings, interviews, etc. Networking can occur anywhere, anytime and with anyone.

Excuse #2: I do not like to Network.

Once again, you must define what is considered networking and outline the benefits of networking. Networking offers you a chance to develop connections with people and build relationships for success. You can gain resources, knowledge, services, products, etc. that can help you advance in your career or academics. Networking allows you to make strategic partnerships that can save you precious time and money. It is also a skill that can improve your communication with others and enhance your professional approach in business matters.

Excuse #3: I am not good at Networking.

The more times you practice and utilize networking, the better you become. In order to become good at networking, you must be consistent. One of the best ways to achieve that goal is to join a chamber of commerce or professional organization. There will already be a structure or model in place to facilitate effective networking activities. Prepare for each networking event and create a list of goals that you would like to achieve from networking. At networking events, make it a point to build pre-mature relationships with your business counterparts and follow up in a timely manner.

Excuse #4: Networking does not work for me.

Many people try networking a few times, are not satisfied with the results and ultimately quit. We believe that networking is for everybody. If you tried networking and did not achieve much success, change your approach towards networking. Find a different organization to attend events. Ask friends and colleagues about various networking opportunities. Join associations or clubs that you are passionate about because networking does not have to be strictly business.

Excuse #5: I do not like Networking/attending events alone.

When you are starting out, you might have to attend events alone and network by yourself. But eventually, you will meet new people, join groups and have a network of your own. Do not be discouraged or become an introvert when attending functions. Do your best to actively meet and connect with people.

Nine Networking Tips for Success

When you enter the networking mixer do you feel like you have a two-foot perimeter of open space surrounding you? Everyone seems to be comfortably settled into clusters as they socialize unaware of your presence. You try to make eye contact but you don't recognize anyone. You search for the bar. Even though you're not thirsty, having something in your hand might make you appear to be festive and casual.

Walking determinedly across the room makes you look powerful, you hope. Time stands still. You make idle chat with the bar tender, waiting to be rescued from this miserable time warp. Even though you were hoping to make business contacts, you're not sure about the approach. Let's face it, you can't just walk up to a stranger and say, "Hey by the way I'm with A-1 Plumbing, do you have any clogged drains?" You decide to leave after 30 minute networking is too uncomfortable. Oh well, at least you showed up. Maybe it'll be better next time.

Whether you are just out of college, in career transition or building a successful business, networking is a necessity to form lasting business relationships that lead to referrals. Here are some tips to make your networking pay off.

Do your research
Before you go to a networking function, decide whom you want to meet in advance and why you want to meet them. Go to your Business Journal's Book of Lists or the membership roster to learn more about the attendees and members. If the people you want to meet have a website, visit it and when you meet them, you now have something to comment on. People are flattered when you are interested enough to find out about them before actually meeting them.

Act like a host
By calling new members of your organization before the mixer and inviting them to meet you there, you accomplish several things: You help them become acclimated into the club, you have someone to introduce around and you make a new business acquaintance that will be grateful for your leadership.

Play matchmaker
Become a resource person by thinking ahead of how you can help others get leads and referrals. Make a mental note of how to get these contacts together. Go one step further by making a few phone calls before the meeting so you can facilitate the introductions.

Take your business cards
I have been to so many functions where someone could have had my business or a good lead, but they didn't have a card. The excuses range from running out to being in a career transition-all the more reason to have at least a generic model. If you are in transition or a graduating college student, chances are you are looking for a position. Have a plain card with your name, phone number and e-mail. If you want to be creative you might also include a favorite quote. It will serve as a conversation piece or an icebreaker.

Get their card
Novices at networking regularly fail to ask others for their card. A rule of thumb: if they ask for your card it means they are interested. Return the request immediately by asking for theirs and jot down any information on the back of the card that might jog your memory later. It's actually more important to get their card because that puts you in a position of control if you decide you need to contact them in the future.

Focus on the relationship
Even though it's important to exchange business cards, the purpose of networking isn't a competition to collect business cards, nor is it to conduct business. The focus should be on meeting new people and establishing new business and professional relationships.

Polish your communication skills
Be in the present moment by using good eye contact and smiling. It's rude to stare, but it's also impolite to have darting eyes suggesting that there is someone more interesting across the room. Listen and ask questions more than you speak. No one wants to be around a know-it-all or a bore. Read body language. Recognize that if someone is rubbing their neck, yawning or has darting eyes, they are probably bored or simply lack good communication skills. Make a gracious exit.

Let others join in
There is nothing more miserable than to be standing outside a circle of people who are so engrossed in conversation that you feel ignored. Become observant to those who seem lost and invite them into the conversation by saying, "join us...we were just talking about..." Then at an appropriate time introduce yourself to them and introduce them to the group.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Golf and Business Equals Success

Social schmoozing has long been recognised as an effective method of building business relationships and wooing new clients. Martini lunches and cigars were the tools used a generation ago. These days golf is considered the most important schmoozing skill, so much so that many executives attain their positions based on golf prowess alone. In fact, not playing golf can have a negative impact on business careers. Many non-golfers are finding that they hit professional stagnation due to golfing colleagues being promoted above them.

Women, determined to break into the old-boys' business network, are also taking advantage of 18-hole business practices. More and more women are signing up for classes and joining clubs to try and redress the male dominated networking imbalances of the past. Specialists in the golf and business market advise women to go as far as advertising their interest in the sport by hanging golf pictures in their offices. Bringing a putter and some golf balls to work is also an acknowledged signal of golfing interest.

Bill Storer, an expert on mixing golf and business, recommends that in order to increase your chances of success, you classify clients in one of four personality categories:

· Realtors - team players who value relationships
· Socialisers - emotional people who love an audience
· Thinkers - organised and detailed
· Directors - decisive, goal orientated, and stylish

Once you've identified your client's personality type, you can adapt your tactics to suit them.

A key factor in the golf schmooze is to learn proper golf etiquette. Don't talk when someone is about to hit a shot, don't step in the line of a putt, and always treat the course with respect. This means that you replace divots and rake bunkers when you're out of them. Your behaviour after a bad shot, or several bad shots, is also vital. Losing your temper and throwing your clubs around doesn't leave your client with a particularly favourable view of your character. Disregarding these protocols creates the impression of arrogance and inconsideration. At best, the client will lose all respect for you. At the worst, you could cost your company a prized contract.

It's considered poor form to leap straight into business talk and try work down to the nitty gritty of a deal. Some clients don't mind talking business on the course, while others prefer to keep it strictly social. Bill recommends waiting until the fifth hole to talk shop, and refraining from further talk after the fifteenth. This gives you and your client enough time to settle into your games and to concentrate on your closing approach. It's important to remember that the purpose is to improve your relationship with the client. To achieve this you should make every effort to get to know your client better on a personal level. Finalising business is a secondary concern.

Finally, the big question: do you play to win, or play to let your client win? That could depend on your client's temperament, and on how important winning at all costs is to his or her. Generally you should aim to play your best game. If it's obvious that you're losing on purpose, you risk embarrassing and insulting your client. There is, however, no sense in embarrassing them the other way with a sound drubbing either.

Golf schmoozing looks to be business-networking strategy, with successful outcomes virtually guaranteed. It's a tool open to exploitation by both women and men, which helps to level the promotion playing field. While it's considered bad form to play the sycophant and lose on purpose, it's perhaps wise to remember the old saying, "Show me a good loser, and I'll show you someone who's playing with his boss."

What I Hate About Networking

OK OK, I don't really hate networking, but there are some aspects of networking I really do hate. Why do you care? Because if you understand WHY I hate these things YOU will make more money. Let me explain:

I was thinking about this in my car the other day. Networking is like hunting for birds in the bushes with a Gatling gun. You can't really see if any birds are actually in the bush but you shoot anyway. Every once in a while a bird drops dead out of a bush and you think "Success! This really works!" Except the gun fired 100 rounds and the bird was sick...

Networking's alot like that. You spend 80 percent of your time networking and every once in a while you get a referral. Success! This really works! Except you've spent dozens of hours to find a client that wants a $1000 job. Sound familiar?

When most people decide to go into business, they are brilliant at "the thing" that they do. They may take business classes and hear things like - "you must spend time marketing your business" and that networking is important. So they join a group with a vague idea of what they're supposed to be doing and what they'll get out of it. Meanwhile, they can't identify who they REALLY want as a client (their true target market), and they go in with the hope of thousands of dollars in referrals and quickly become very disappointed.

See, most people are networking in the dark. Well, let me flip on the light switch!!

Networking groups are great and they're really important to your business IF and only if you understand how deep networking really is.

Take out a penny and study it. Right now. Study the penny for two minutes. Go ahead. I'll be here when you get back.

So what did you notice?

The penny is more complex than that thing you left on the sidewalk because it wasn't worth picking up... Networking is like that too.

The thing that drives me crazy about networking groups is that some of them offer pretty good education on how to work their system. The problem is most people think that's it. "Oh I see, it's a penny. Well, that's all I need to know...so where are my referrals? This system doesn't work!"

By their very nature, networking groups focus on referrals and results and when people don't see the results they want, the "system" doesn't work. It IS the system's fault (despite what the group will tell you) to the extent that nobody told them how to work it as it applies to their business and it's overall vision.

If you're out there in a networking group or going to a chamber and you don't know exactly what you're looking for (and it isn't "as many referrals as you can get") STOP!!

If you don't know where you're going that's exactly where you'll end up. And if you're just out there giving referrals to get referrals and you have no idea who your dream client is, then all you're going to get is the kinds of referrals and clients you DON'T want.

Do yourself a huge favor and decide what kinds of customers you really want. Which of your clients make your life easy? What company specifically do you want to do business with?

The big lie about networking, infomercials and introductions is this: If you have a great infomercial that makes people want more information that is all you need to do.

That's a lie. If you have a great infomercial and you don't know what kinds of clients make you money and which once don't, a great infomercial won't help you.

Don't be like so many of my students who discover that, although they get a ton of referrals, they are people who drive them crazy and don't generate enough revenue to begin to cover the time they take out of the day.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Are You Getting Out There In A Big Way?

Getting out and meeting people will bring many benefits to you and your business. The good news is that many events are low cost or sometimes even free to attend!

Networking Groups- There are so many groups around now with more starting up every week, or so it seems. Networking is a great way of making new contacts, if you go about it the right way.

You'll meet lots of other business owners and often find that you face similar business challenges and can learn from each other's experiences.

Seminars & Workshops - All business owners are hungry for extra knowledge and to discover more ways to improve their businesses. There's usually an opportunity to chat before the event or during coffee breaks.

Tasters - Groups that are looking to recruit new members often have taster or visitor events. Sometimes they're free or there is just a small charge for refreshments.

Keep in Touch

When you meet people at events, it's worth keeping business cards of those who share your target market (even competitors might pass on work if they get overloaded). Some contacts may be useful alliances if you provide a complimentary service to theirs. Don't just meet them once at an event, keep in touch, have coffee or lunch, get a relationship going.

So, Get Out There!

The more you get out there, the more people will know about your business, and the more opportunities will come your way!

Benefits of Joining a Forum

One of the worst places to be in your business or profession is becoming stuck. For writers, it may be writer's block. For speakers, it could be lack of engagements. And for entrepreneurs and small business owners, it's likely that next brilliant idea that could bring in more sales or attract more leads.

So how do you get unstuck without contracting a consultant on retainer?

You can attend a workshop, eavesdrop on a teleconference call or register online for an e-course. But a one-time event most likely will not be enough to get you over your hump. You'll get better traction if somebody, or a group of your peers guides you through a step-by-step process.

Someone (who may already have been where you are now) to show you an alternative direction. Someone with your best interest in mind. And someone you can trust.

In short: A forum or some other type of think tank...

You can join and participate with a group of forward thinking individuals with a single purpose. You can meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. And you can build lasting relationships.

You'll likely gain an advantage by receiving a continual stream of professional input. You'll also get to bounce ideas around for feedback from a trusted group of like-minded experts. They could see something from an experience angle that you may have overlooked. That alone could save you a ton of money, customer service headaches and a lot of grief.

Five reasons to get started now:

1) Sharing common interests. If you joined a group of weekend bikers, you already know what the central topic and subtopics are. You'll probably talk about motorcycle magazines, accessories, maintenance, detailing and tuned exhaust pipes. And then share a bunch of biking stories, run-ins with the law, and near misses that could make the hairs on the back of everyone's necks stand at attention.

2) Flow of new ideas. Imagine giving, receiving and recommending tips, tools and pointers that foster your group's growth. You get to pool together the resources of your entire group to solve problems, share tactics and testify to success stories.

3) Minimal investment. Most special interest groups, clubs or organizations do not charge high dues for membership. Their goal is to build a steady, growing membership. It's when you get involved with business groups, investment clubs and marketing mentorship-you can expect to pay anywhere from two- to four-figures a month.

4) Networking opportunities. You can expand your business network and exposure through word-of-mouth marketing, referrals and sponsored events. The more people know and like you-the more business will come your way. It's easier to land the big account if someone in your sphere of influence puts in a good word for you. Really.

5) Forming new friendships and alliances. This is the icing on the cake. Not only do you share common interests already, but also you get to share it with people you like. And you get to look forward to deeper and more meaningful experiences the more time you spend together.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

How Can Twitter & Plaxo Help Increase Your Sales?

These days we are all being bombarded with invitations to a plethora of on line social networks and many of us are a little confused as to why in the world we should join one? While not all Social Networks are worth the investment of your time to join and input a profile, some such as Twitter and Plaxo can actually be very helpful in connecting with your network.

Twitter.com is a very basic site that allows members to post their name, picture, a URL to their blog or web site and a short description of who they are. The one thing twitter is designed to do is answer a simple question - "What are you doing right now?" There is a 140 character text box that allows members to answer that question and anyone following their profile will see the answer as they post it. In turn, members can follow other people to keep up with what they are doing. While Twitter may sound like something a teenager would use instead of instant messaging or texting on their cell phone, it actually has some great applications for business.

Take Seth Godin for example. Anyone can follow Seth on twitter which is great because he updates it every time he publishes a new post on his blog. A user can click on a link to the new blog post right there in Seth's twitter and see his latest post. Twitter is also a great way to throw a question out to a lot of people for a quick answer. For example, avid twitter user Marc Nathan asked "anyone have any cheap / DIY solutions for a digital display? Like a digital photo frame, but it's larger and can handle wireless updates" and within an hour Geri Druckman answered "use any flat panel monitor, attach to the back of it a Linux thin client (a cheap one) and voila! any size, no limit pic frame." Pretty cool.

But perhaps even more interesting is that Facebook and Plaxo allow members to publish their twitter comments on their profile for those sites (in the case of Plaxo, members post their twitters in Plaxo Pulse). As a result, a member's name can constantly be in front of anyone linked to them in Facebook or Plaxo any time they look at recent activity - talk about great top of mind awareness!

Plaxo especially has done a great job of aggregating other on line activity in several well known sites like technorati and flickr as well as personal blogs through the Pulse tab. Members of a user's network on Pulse can see updates as they are posted to multiple other on line sites consolidated in one place. Plaxo Pulse also offers forum functionality that allows users to poll their networks on topics ranging from business to politics and then interactively comment on and track the results.

While keeping up with a Plaxo Pulse stream or Twitter posts may seem like one more item in to keep track of in an already information overloaded workplace, it does provide something that many newsletters and magazines don't and that is highly relevant feedback. In a society that is starting to rebel against interruption marketing, getting feedback from a personal network can be invaluable in building meaningful conversation with prospects and customers.

One thing to consider when joining any social network is that you will get out what you put in. Followers on Twitter will lose interest if you do not create relevant posts on a regular basis. Relevant posts are not updates like "eating dinner", but rather updates like "Eating texmex dinner at Arturo's on Smith Street- the food is phenomenal". The first post would be of little importance to followers while the second would get the attention of anyone who likes texmex food and give some great free advertising to a restaurant that you like and would like to see stick around. And remember that if you set your Plaxo Pulse to post your twitters, you will want to make sure they are relevant for whichever groups you allow to see them. Also, make sure that you are following other users (either on Twitter or Plaxo Pulse) and contributing to the discussion of their posts as well - this is a great way to establish rapport with your connections.

Are You Neglecting Your Network?

As a business owner you know a lot of people, and you continue to meet new people. This is your network. But what are you doing with it? How often do you connect with people in your network? Do you have a plan to stay in touch consistently and develop your relationships?

If you've been neglecting your network it's time to make some changes. It's never too late to begin where you are and start connecting with the people you know.

Networking is about giving first. It's about building relationships over time with people. If you don't invest in nurturing and growing your relationships with people in your network, then your network will become nothing more than a list of names in a database.

When you stay in touch and develop relationships with people, your business will be top of mind when people need your products or services. This also increases the number of referrals people will give to your business.

To nurture a relationship, you must give it attention and energy. There are loads of ways to connect with people (many of which are very inexpensive). You can:

* Pick up the phone

* Send an e-mail

* Send a note the old fashioned way (otherwise known as snail-mail using the post)

* Meet in person for coffee, lunch or a drink

Finding a reason to connect isn't hard to do. You don't have to wait for something big to happen; little things can mean a lot too. Here are just a few ideas:

- No specific reason, just to see what's new and catch up

- Birthdays or anniversaries

- Sharing an article, book, website, or other resource

How often you touch base depends on the kind of relationship you have with each person. For some people connecting twice a year is perfect and for others every three months is appropriate. You might have monthly contact with people you know quite well and for very close relationships perhaps even more frequently.

Think about different types of people you know and how often you'd like to be in touch with:

> New acquaintances

> Current clients

> Inactive clients

> Former colleagues

> Suppliers for your business

The key to successfully nurturing your network is to create a structured plan. Random acts of kindness and connection never hurt, but to really build a relationship it's better to have consistent contact.

To make it easy to stay in touch, you need to use a system to keep track of who you want to contact and when. If you rely on your memory you won't get very far.

You can create a system by setting reminders in your own contact database. Or if you use Outlook, you can use the 'Tasks' feature where you can make notes with reminder dates.

The type of system you use isn't important. What is important is having a system and taking action. Find something that works for you and get started today.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Business Cards - You Must Have Them, But You Have Options

One thing that all businesses must have is a quality set of business cards. It doesn't matter if your business is dog walking or dog food manufacturing, the surest way to signal to your prospective customers that you aren't a serious business is to hand them a handwritten piece of paper with your information on it. You must have a color business card, printed on card stock, in order to be a serious business.

So, you have two choices. You can purchase professionally printed business cards, either at a local store like Office Max, or you can buy online at a place like VistaPrint.com Both of them will require you to purchase at least 250 of the cards, and will run you between $30 and $80 per batch, depending on what options you have. Online sites like VistaPrint have business card templates that you can use to design your card before it is printed, which can be a nice benefit.

The other option is to make them yourself. In this case, you have three main options.

The first is creating yourself, printing yourself. This is the cheapest method, and you can usually print them in quantities of 10 or less at a time. Virtually all word processing packages have a business card template you can use, though they are often extremely bland. Open up Microsoft Word, select new, and select business card as a template. Type in your name and address in the few choices you get, and you're all set. A short trip to an office supply store will get you card stock paper, some especially made for home printers, and you're good to go.

The second method is to use business card software to create your cards. Several are available, some as freeware, that allow you to have a better experience in creating your own cards, including changing colors, designs, logos, etc. Often these will allow you to either print directly, or allow you to export an image that you can use to print. If you are a designer, you can use professional-grade image software like photoshop to create exactly how you want things to look, including the use of fancy techniques like fades and gradients.

Finally, you can do a blend of both. Use your word processor or software to design your card, but print them at one of the online shops, like VistaPrint. They usually allow you to upload the full image you want printed, and often you can get good quality cards for $20 or less, including shipping. Once you have your card uploaded, they generally store them for you, so that you can either order another one if you have an employee, or if you ever need more.

3 Things You Should Know Before You Go To A Networking Event

Very few people make any preparation for a networking event. Those that are experienced networkers are even worse. We think that being dressed professionally and having a good opening line is all that we need to have a good networking event.

But you are going to spend several hours of your free time doing this event. Does it make sense to arrive unprepared with no clear goals? Remember it's YOUR time that you are using at these events.

So here are three things that you should be clear about prior to arrival.

1. Know yourself.

How are you feeling? Rushed? Stressed? Put upon? Don't really want to go? First be aware of your mood and if negative, figure out how to put it away for the event. If you need to, arrive a little late and give yourself some up time. Go browse a favorite store, grab a cup of your favorite coffee, whatever it takes to put yourself in a better place, relaxed and positive.

What happens if you don't? You see it all the time. People looking stressed, tired, unfocused. More worried about the food or drink than networking. They just want to relax, join up with someone they know and talk (whine?) about their work day.

I certainly understand. But what are you accomplishing then? If you are using a networking event to unwind, wouldn't it make sense to just head on home? The other thing is that you are sending out signals, negative signals. Not a productive use of your time.

2. The second thing you should know is who's going to be there.

Many networking events are constructed so that you know who else is registered. You should check it the afternoon of the event. (Typically 50% register within the final two days, depending on the type of event). Search for people you would like to talk to, whether similar businesses, to sell or buy from or even a business that you would like to know more about.

By focusing on several people you would like to meet, you already have made the event more meaningful for you to attend. It's also going to force you to circulate the room more (to find them), introduce yourself to people and make you more active at the event. You don't need to tell them you were specifically looking for them, but introduce yourself as you would to anyone else.

When you do meet up with 2 or 3 people that you had marked for conversation, you'll have accomplished something positive! Unconsciously, you will be feeling good about that and it will show. Chances are you'll be feeling pretty good and people will respond to that.

On a final note for this section, when you look at who you would like to meet expand your idea of who would be useful to you besides just a possible sales prospect. How about meeting someone that ....

o Has a business that you have an interest in?

o Appears to be well connected in the community?

o Is in a position that you have an interest in?

o Might have services that YOU could use?

o Might have services that someone you know could use?

o Has an off the wall business that you aren't clear on, but it might be interesting to know about?

o Or business that you should know more about, but don't understand... something like internet marketing? (I still don't get it!)

The bottom line is that there are a lot of people out there with a lot of knowledge that YOU may not have and networking is a fantastic opportunity to meet them and gain from it. Certainly we would like to get business from networking, but by opening yourself to the wide range of people that you could meet, you have a much better chance of making any networking event a more profitable use of your time.

3. Know your goals!

Certainly adhering to step 2 would be a great start to making a goal for networking. But there are certainly other things that you can focus on as well depending on what you want to accomplish. Getting an appointment to meet (or meetings) with one or more people, getting to know someone better (building that relationship), getting a certain amount of business cards, introducing yourself to the powers that be (if a chamber event, the officers and the people who work at the chamber), and meeting X amount of new people (a great networking goal!).

Making goals doesn't have turn into this high pressure "business" thing. But BY making goals, you are more likely avoiding the opposite extreme which is to show up, talk to some people and then go home.

Successful people in any business today know the value of preparation. For some meetings, the preparation can take a great deal longer than the meeting itself. But good prep is likely to create good meetings. It is no different with networking. The good news is preparation time is pretty short, checking out where our head is at, how's coming and what you want to accomplish. In fact, after doing it a time or two, it will be pretty natural and talk just a few minutes. But the payoff is significant.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Broadband Internet Plans - The Fast Access With Lucrative Prices

Internet has offered immense convenience to people, with the advancement in technology, internet has touched each and every strand of our lives. We connect, communicate, shop, work and entertain with the help of the internet. We need connectivity every hour of the day to carry out our official work, chat with our friends, and shop online. No one can imagine handling business without the internet; no corporate house can exist in this high tech world without the internet.

This is our prime source of every kind of information in he easiest way. With blogging, online communities, online shopping everything seems to be overtaken by the world of web. From personal to professional internet serves every need of ours. With so much influence of the internet in our lives we need to stay connected all the time. Internet has become an essential part of our lives and we need to be online 24 hours a day, seven days of the week for uninterrupted work. Due to such extensive use of it we need connections which are reliable and fast.

Broadband internet plans are the smart alternative to the conventional dial up access in which the data transfer is not very fast. The broadband is a reliable and dedicated high speed internet connection which offers higher data transmission rate. It gives us ease to download large files like videos, photographs and other bulky data with a faster speed. The broadband connection is definitely more efficient; however, we need to select the correct plan as a lot of service providers offer broadband services. The plans come with a variety of offers like free surfing hours, low rates, free downloads etc. The plans can be selected as per one's convenience and requirements. A variety of internet service provider companies are present which facilitate fast speed internet. So avail the best plan and start surfing the world of web.

Detailed Definition of T3 Bandwidth, Also Referred To As a DS3

DS-3 which stands for Digital Signal Level 3, equates to 28 T-1 lines or 44.736 million bits per second (roughly 43-45 Mbps upstream/downstream speeds). DS-3s have enough bandwidth to allow very large database transferring over busy wide area networks and the capability of handling 672 simultaneous voice conversations. DS-3s typically run long haul over fiber optics and coax in the last mile, however there are many exceptions to this. Also, because fiber is only available in limited parts of the US (vs. copper), expensive build-outs are sometimes required for full DS-3 access.

In North America, DS-3 translates into T-3, which is the equivalent of 28 T-1 channels, each operating at a total signaling rate of 1.544 Mbps. The 28 T-1s are multiplexed through an M13 ('Multiplex 1-to-3' multiplexer), and 188 additional signaling and control bits are added to each T-3 frame. As each frame is transmitted 8,000 times a second, the total T-3 signaling rate is 44.736 Mbps. In a channelized application, T-3 supports 672 channels, each of 64 Kbps. In the European hierarchy, a DS-3 is in the form of a E-3, which runs at a total signaling rate of 34.368 Mbps, supports 480 channels, and is the equivalent of 16 E-1s.

If you're moving a DS-3 (or any other DS signal) across continents, the standards of the target country rule. Channels get muxed and demuxed, with signaling conventions translated as well. For example: On the US side T-1s are in multiples of 24 x 64 Kbps circuits (total 1.5 Mbps) and in the UK, it's 30 x 64 Kbps (total 2 Mbps). If you were to interconnect to the US at a DS-3 level, you would not receive 28 T-1s with 6 spare channels- You would get multiples of 30 E/T-1s. As they arrived in the UK, they would be muxed and demuxed, along with translated signaling conventions.

Who uses DS-3s? Companies who host high traffic web sites, support web hosting, and need high capacity bandwidth on an as-needed basis. Also universities/colleges, government offices, and high volume call centers. A full DS3 can accommodate many simultaneous users depending on the requirements of the business. Generally a DS3 line is installed as a major networking channel for large corporations or universities with high volume network traffic. This is an always-on, high-speed connection that provides a dedicated, stable and reliable link to the Internet, and can support up to 500 or more computer users.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Top 5 Networking Questions

Networking is such an amazing tool for business individuals who are trying to advance in their professional endeavors. It is also an excellent way to brand yourself and company, meet new people and develop skills. While networking it is important to maintain a positive image, be professional, and also ask the right questions for effectively achieving your goals. Listed below are five practical questions which anyone can ask at networking events. These questions can give you insight on how to get referrals, find prospects or new clients/customers, gain knowledge and develop premature relationships with your business counterparts.

After you have properly introduced yourself with a firm handshake and smile, here are a few questions that you can ask while networking and mingling:

#1 Did you arrive to the event by yourself or did you come with friends or colleagues?

If the other person arrived to the event with friends or colleagues, that would be a great opportunity for introductions. After speaking with the person, you can suggest being exposed to their network and meeting new people at the event. This will definitely break the ice and reduce the stress of introducing yourself to strangers at the event. Also, it will boost your credibility because, people are most likely to remember you if you are referred by a friend.

#2 How often do you attend these events?

This is a good question to ask because you can find out how well your counterpart networks and is actively meeting people and staying connected. If your counterpart attends a lot of networking events, ask them if they can invite you or keep you posted on events via email or by phone.

#3 Are you a member of the group or organization hosting the event?

This question can give you insight into the group or organization background and affiliations. Your counterpart can describe the demographics, benefits and services of the group/organization. They can also add in testimonials or share their experiences with you. This can help you decide if you want to join the club or attend more events that they organize in the future. Also if, your counterpart is a member, you can ask them to introduce you to the organizer/host or other members at the event.

#4 In your profession, do you collaborate with other industries?

This is an awesome question to ask if you are trying to expand your network or develop partnerships or alliances with new industries. You can expand your resources by partnering with bigger or smaller companies. Your counterpart can be the "middle man/person" that can put in you in a position to do business with other industries.

#5 Do you have a business card?

While talking with your counterpart, if you believe that they would be a good contact for you, do not hesitate to ask for a business card. While asking for a business card, ask them for the best time to reach them and the best method to reach them (via email or phone). Do not forget to offer your business card as well, so there is an even exchange of information. Also, make sure to carry your business cards in a separate business card holder so that you appear organized, neat and professional.

How To Dynamically Strengthen Your Networking Skills To Make Each Connection More Profitable

One morning we had a terrible thunderstorm and the power went out all over the city. It wasn't long before I got really stir crazy with no computer and no outside contact. Since my garage door wouldn't open because of the lack of electricity, I called a cab and went to my nearby Barnes and Noble with my laptop carefully in tow.

My seven-hour visit turned out to be an amazing and organic networking experience. The store's generators provided electricity, so it was light, warm, and cozy. But I found myself surrounded by like-minded people - entrepreneurs and others who dislike being in the dark. Some of us got on line, others read their books and newspapers, and conversations began to range across tables as we gradually started to feel our sense of community. When the chairs and benches filled up, people began sitting on the floor. We found ourselves talking, laughing, sharing experiences, trying to solve political and business problems and getting to know each other. And those of us who realized it was an unusual but fantastic networking opportunity also exchanged business cards and ideas with our new friends.

See every contact as a networking opportunity

There is never a time when you are not networking. And if you look at it as making or deepening a connection with others, those moments will take on new meaning. If you are at a meeting, make notes on the back of their business card and ask for their permission to call them the next day. (And then of course, be certain to call them!) If it is a casual and unexpected conversation, you might choose to make notes for yourself at the end of the day regarding what was said, what potential you discovered and what action you plan to take.

If networking is on your mind you'll find opportunities everywhere. There is no question that networking is a very valuable marketing strategy, however, it's also one that we need to personalize to fit our personalities. Whether you are shy, or whether you are "out-there" here's one secret that works for everyone: people like to talk about themselves so all you have to do is ask a compelling question and then listen.

Make a deeper connection through active listening

This is not about listening until you can get a word in and talk about yourself. It is about hearing what not only is being said, but what is not being said, noting the body language and facial expressions to interpret the words you are hearing. You see, marketing is about finding the perfect fit and since you know what you are looking for, active listening will help you decide if what you have to offer is what the other person needs.

Ease into the conversation

As a naturally enthusiastic person, I have to constantly be on the lookout to be certain I blend my energy with the person I am speaking with. And when I am ready to share I also have to determine how much information I can give the person so they can still hear me. So I ease into a conversation with a few short questions that help determine what needs to be said and what can easily be left out. Leave your selling hat at home when you are networking and just be who you are.

Friday, February 01, 2008

What Is The Truth About Making Money In Network Marketing? (Part 1 of 3)

If you've never been involved in Network Marketing before you're probably are asking yourself this question right now. You've probably heard of the "fabricated stories" of people losing everything they own in a Network Marketing business. Or worse, someone spent the time and money to build up a huge monthly income to only have the company they represent go out of business. So, you're probably skeptical about the Network Marketing industry in general and want more information before you decide to step out and join an opportunity.

If you're currently in a Network Marketing business (or you were once before) and you're not making a profit, you're probably saying "When will I ever make money in Network Marketing?" Or, if you've been jumping from program to program looking for the "winner" you need this article.

Early on in my Network Marketing career I asked myself these same questions. And believe me, so did my wife! So, let me answer the question for you: "Yes, you can make money in Network Marketing!"

There isn't a week that goes by that I don't get a phone call from a new prospect that asks me "What Is The Truth About Making Money In Network Marketing?" I get asked this question all the time. Especially from the frustrated network marketer who just spent their last dime on a mailing or an advertisement that went very bad. My goal is that after reading this article, you will have an better answer to this question. My hope is that your answer is "YES, I really can make money in Network Marketing?"

I know you can make money in Network Marketing because I am living proof. I now make more money in a month than I used to in a year. For the first time in my life, I don't have to worry about paying my bills. In fact, I've paid off all of my bills! Now, when I buy something, I use the universal payment method-CASH! It's nice. I feel blessed. But, I also have to do a weekly maintenance to not only help direct my organizations, but also to continually bring in new people.

Now am I sitting back and getting wealthy in Network Marketing? Quite frankly, YES.. I spend every morning playing with my daughter and work with my business associates in the afternoon. Late afternoon I stroll into the office and return phone calls and stay in touch with my growing downline and new prospects. Most evenings are spent communicating with my International parts of my organizations, usually via a conference call or webinar.

So, how did I get from corporate-weenie to where I am today? I used the simple techniques and principles I will outline in my e-book "How the Responsible Network Marketer can Go to Market" due out summer 2008. Now I didn't just do them once and walk-away.

My secret was consistency. I never quit. Once I found out what worked I simply looked for someone in my downline who wanted success as bad as I did and would "listen" and follow my advice.

That sounds simple, but in the first 2 years of my Network Marketing experience I couldn't find anybody who was willing to work as hard as I was. That was quite depressing at first. I was afraid I was just working myself into another "job". But, in reality, I was laying the foundation of what would be a lifetime residual income. Was it worth all the hard work and frustration? You bet. Would I do it all over again? You bet. A quote made famous by billionaire J. Paul Getty, which I firmly believe describes my definition of Network Marketing success:

"I'd rather have 1% of 100 people's efforts than 100% of mine own!"

One thing I truly believe is if you're not happy with what you're currently doing, you must change and do something you've never done before. That usually means changing not only your work habits, but also your attitude. You might be thinking, "I just want to know what technique to use so I can get rich-so stop talking about attitude and philosophy and get on with the nuts and bolts of making money".

What you must realize is that you must attract wealth by being professional and knowing what you are doing. You must also create value for your prospects or they will come and go like a revolving door. People look to join a Network Marketing opportunity to make money.

If you can't help them do that in a relatively short period of time they will quit. It's that simple. But, if you can create some kind of positive relationship or an atmosphere of real value, then they'll stick with you through the months where they spend more than they make. If you get only one message from this article I would hope that it would be this one:

"Everybody joins a Network Marketing opportunity to make money. But, they stay in because you've created a valuable relationship and you've helped them to become financially successful"

Most Network Marketers I speak with today are looking for a Network Marketing opportunity where someone does all the work and all they do is fold their arms, sit on their butt and wait to become wealthy. It doesn't work that way, so get over it!

Sure, you can make a few hundred bucks a month using this "strategy", but you're not creating any kind of relationship between you and your downline.

Network Marketing was created with people in mind. When you take people out of the equation, you loose. If simply mailing out catalogs, post-cards and brochures were all it took to make money, why would the company need you? Think about it? If that was the case, technology today would make you obsolete before you woke up in the morning.

They could do the distributions themselves and save on all the commissions they pay out to their distributors-couldn't they? This is where I see the breakdown has occurred over the last 15 years in this industry-it's become too commercialized and impersonal. Network Marketing started out face to face-or what is now known as "warm marketing".

Going to university or college, getting your degree(s) and working for either a "big" corporation or the government hasn't set many people financially free as previously promised by our parents. Many of our friends have found the climb up the corporate latter is full of trap doors and heartache.

And, for those who dare to dream big and start their own traditional business, they've experienced more heartache and hard work than they had anticipated. Neither our parents nor college can prepare someone for all that is necessary to start and maintain their own business.

Most people today half-hazzardly jump into a business of their own without even knowing what it takes to really make a profit.

- End of Part 1 -

See Part 2 of "What Is The Truth About Making Money In Network Marketing?

See You On the Beaches of the World,

Kevin "K-Man" McNabb

Tried Network Marketing before and failed? It's not your fault. Let this rookie "unknown" marketer show you how he embarrassed the "gurus" by placing over 4,120 people in his downline in 14 short months, while pocketing over half-a-million dollars. Now he has honed his SYSTEM into an idiot-proof step-by-step can't fail, never-cold-call-again recruiting machine on steroids! He'll even PAY YOU to check it out.

Effortless Networking - Motivating People to Send You Referrals

I got this comment recently:

"[My biggest challenge in business networking is] Motivating my referral partners to enthusiastically refer a steady stream of clients to me every single month."

Here's the brutal and honest truth:

1. First, it takes long time to build up a "referral engine".

You have to find the right people -- those who have access to the kinds of leads you want.

Then, you have to make sure these people are willing and able to send you quality leads.

Just because they can, doesn't mean they're ready to do so. You have to demonstrate your credibility and earn their trust first.

2. Second, even after you build this "referral engine" there is no guarantee that the referrals will flow in regularly and consistently.

You really have no control over this.

Influence, yes; control, no. You can encourage people, provide incentives -- but, in the end, you have no control over what they actually do.

Think about it: how often (and how consistently) are you able to send referrals to people in your network? Why do you suppose this is?

3. Before you despair, here's the third fact.

The best and most effective referrals come from your satisfied customers.

This is something over which you have a LOT of influence. So cultivate this source of referrals.

I recently published two success stories from business owners who do just this. You can check these out under the "Success Stories" category on my "Effortless Networking" website -- see below for the link.

The good news -- I think -- is that you can use networking to accomplish other things while waiting the referrals to flow in.

In a nutshell: you can network your way to other business building opportunities, that work quicker.