Friday, January 11, 2008

Best Social Networking - 4 First Steps to Social Networking

Social networking sites are increasingly becoming more and more popular online. They connect people from all over the world who share the same interests and beliefs. As social networking sites succeed in putting millions of people in their database, they have slowly emerged as one of the best marketing avenues where online businessmen can promote their products and their services. Here are the 4 first steps you need to take if you'd like to use social networking sites as a marketing avenue:

1. Pick the best social networking site for your business. MySpace is extremely popular in the United States and United Kingdom, while friendster seems to dominate the Asian region. Depending on the location of your target market, you can pick the one that is frequented by your potential clients. If you are offering your products and services globally, you can choose to join as many social networking sites as you can.

2. Blog about your company. Most social networking sites offers free blogging services that you can definitely take advantage of. Through this blogs, you can promote your products and services through strong recommendation and unbiased reviews. You can also use researches, testimonials, statistics, and studies to further strengthen your claims.

3. Make an attractive profile. Everybody would love to see a profile that is full of amazing graphics, photos, videos, and audio streaming. Take advantage of this to entice your potential clients to check your profile and who knows? They might eventually network with you.

4. Befriend your potential clients. Search the social networking sites and look for members who are most likely to become your client. Invite these people to network with you and exert all effort to establish personal relationship with them. Once you have gained their trust, you can easily pitch in your products and services.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'