Saturday, August 26, 2006

Software supports independent protocol networking

Designed to meet requirements for interconnecting diverse networks, Communications Server for AIX[R] v6.3 offers connectivity options for AIX, Linux(TM), and Windows(TM) platforms. It includes TN3270E Server LU visibility for reporting IP connections to host, and SLI-LUA Interface for LU 0, 1, 2, and 3. Software provides remote API client/server support, HTTPS protocols for security, and support for many types of LAN and WAN connections, including Ethernet and token ring.

Communications Server for AIX:

Helps meet your requirements for interconnecting diverse networks

Enables security enhanced communications between workstation users and applications and other workstations and central computer applications, independent of the networking protocols used in each system

Helps you get users communicating with each other in networks of all sizes, from small workgroups to large corporate headquarters

Opens the door to protocol-independent networking with support for workstations communicating across SNA and TCP/IP networks


Communications Server for AIX[R] V6.3 adds connectivity options for AIX, Linux(TM), and Windows(TM) platforms. It includes the same industrial-strength features and functions you have come to rely on for your mission-critical, core business applications for the distributed Communications Server product line. These features and functions have been well proven in the OS/2[R], Linux, and Windows environments across a wide variety of server systems - from relatively small single-processor to high-end multiprocessor systems.

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